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Cabinet Windows

Cabinet Windows

kitchen remodel

Walnut Creek, CA

These custom leaded glass cabinet windows, were designed featuring the use of a large glass marble in the center of the design.



kitchen remodel

Walnut Creek, CA

The image on the left shows a custom designed leaded window for a pocket door, separating the kitchen from the dining room, obscuring while allowing light to go through, but keeping sound out. Several cabinet windows were designed to match the pocket door, reflecting the color and size of the glass tiles used in their remodel.


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kitchen remodel

Benicia, CA

Elegant and simple leaded glass windows for select kitchen cabinets.



bathroom remodel

Orinda, CA

Great example of the use of textured glass in bathroom windows. This allows natural light to enter the bathroom, while also creating privacy.


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entryway and facade remodel

Belmont, CA

A custom designed large circular window for a meditation room in a Belmont, CA home creates a peaceful but powerful facade above transom and sidelight windows around the front entryway. This home remodel and these windows were featured on HGTV in 2001. The segment concluded with a question to the clients, asking what their favorite part of the finished project was, to which they answered - β€œThe stained glass.”